"Don Carson's clarity in communicating Scripture is a great gift, and in this book, he gives it to us. This professor can preach. These are model messages on crucial passages. They are delicious meditations that instruct our minds and feed our souls. Biblical content-straight, ripped, hard, solid-this is what Carson gives us about Christ's cross and resurrection. Read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest."
- Mark Dever, -Pastor, Capitol Hill Baptist Church, Washington DC; President, 9Marks
"This is vintage Carson-informed exegesis and engaging exposition, theologically rich and devotionally warm, lucid, insightful, probing. God's truth glows! Don Carson shows us what the Bible is for, and his words make me want to preach the scandalous cross of Christ with greater passion."
- Bill Kynes, Pastor, Cornerstone Evangelical Free Church, Annandale, Virginia
"What happens when one of the world's preeminent theologians expounds on some of the Bible's prominent texts? This book."
- Mark Driscoll, Founding Pastor, Mars Hill Church, Seattle; President, the Resurgence; President, Acts 29 Church Planting Network
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