Who We Are...

TheNexLev is the young adults ministry of Gateway City Church (formerly known as New Hope Fellowship) located in Brooklyn, NY. Gateway City Church was founded in 1990 under the senior leadership of Apostle Roger & Rev Teresa McPhail. GCC has been serving Brooklyn and the greater NYC region for over 30 years and have built a long-lasting heritage of service, prayer evangelism, and outreach.

In 2009, GCC launched TheNexLev as an attempt to continue in its effort to ensure its heritage of Kingdom building would be transferred to the next generation. Under the leadership of Pastors Edwin & Melinda Pacheco, TheNexLev has fostered a great move of God by ministering to young adults. Their desire is to see nexgen leaders rise up and take their place both in the church as well as in the marketplace.

TheNexLev meets on Saturday nights at GCC from 7pm - 9:30pm. Each meeting has a time of fellowship, worship, teaching and reflection which allows for real dialogue about religion, culture, society, politics, and world-views. If you would like more information about TheNexLev or GCC please feel free to email us at gcc@GatewayCityChurch.net or call us at (718) 921-4673