The Young Adults Ministry of Gateway City Church
About Me
- TheNexLev
- Next Level Ministry (TheNexLev) is the young adult ministry of Gateway City Church (GCC) in Brooklyn, NY. Apostle Roger McPhail - Associate Pastor Edwin Pacheco
That I may know You...
On October 9th, Pastor Ed Pacheco will unpack a powerful teaching entitled "A Passion for CHRIST" This teaching will highlight the cost of living a surrendered life that pleases the Father. In the book of Philippians, the apostle Paul writes to the church and encourages them to embrace the price to the cross. Its through his ministry, both the victories and the trials, that we can see the cross will always lead us in a direction which will bring glory to the Father.
Only let your conduct be worthy of the gospel of Christ....
For to you it has been granted on behalf of Christ, not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for His sake, having the same conflict which you saw in me and now hear is in me.
A Prayer for our Leaders
After getting word, for the second time in as many days, about the accusation against some of today's most influential leaders - my heart breaks for those of us who have the call of leadership over our lives. To many, leadership is just a position...but to those of us who are called, Leadership is our life's journey.
We don't lead simply because we think its cool, nor do we lead because of, what some may think of as a popularity contest. NO, real leaders lead because there are those in this world who are looking for someone to get them to their destiny, and it's us, the leaders whom God has given the responsibility to get others where they need to go.
In a culture where everyone thinks they have the right to be heard without ever doing any significant, in a time where true leadership is shunned because they represent things such as Integrity, Honor, Respect, Loyalty, and the Fear of God; in a time where we celebrate the idea of getting the job done "At any cost"...we need to truly be men and women who serve God and others in a manner that brings glory to His name.
Here is a prayer for our Leaders:
Father, I lift up every man and women who has been called by You to live their lives with the call of a leader on them. You above all knows the challenges that come with leadership. I ask that you would cover us, protect us, send your army of angels to watch over us in these trying times.
I pray, as leaders we will operate in complete fear and reverence of You! That our lives will be a service to those in need, and that our service to them will bring You all the glory. Let us not forget that we are Your manifestation on earth and that our lives are to reflect Your character, Your likeness, and Your love.
May every leader know that even we are still vulnerable to failure, and in the midst of it You are still a God that will restore us to You. Let us not view ourselves as more highly then we should, but let there be a spirit of humility that flows through us. Let us, in all things, allow your will to be done as Christ did. Give us the courage to stand for righteousness, the boldness to speak out against injustice, the power to battle against the stronghold of this world, and the endurance to run our race.
God, let us who have been called by You, to lead like Christ led. Let them see You though our lives. That You would be glorified through us, and that Your Kingdom would become ever so close to others in a way that would bring about transformation.
"Let Your Kingdom come, let Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven."
Watch: Always get to the Gospel: Driscoll, MacDonald, Dever
In this video Mark Driscoll, James MacDonald, and Mark Dever discuss evangelism and the proclaimation of the Gospel from the pulpit.
Recommended Reading for Young Adults: Scandalous: The Cross and Resurrection of Jesus (Re:Lit)
"Don Carson's clarity in communicating Scripture is a great gift, and in this book, he gives it to us. This professor can preach. These are model messages on crucial passages. They are delicious meditations that instruct our minds and feed our souls. Biblical content-straight, ripped, hard, solid-this is what Carson gives us about Christ's cross and resurrection. Read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest."
- Mark Dever, -Pastor, Capitol Hill Baptist Church, Washington DC; President, 9Marks
"This is vintage Carson-informed exegesis and engaging exposition, theologically rich and devotionally warm, lucid, insightful, probing. God's truth glows! Don Carson shows us what the Bible is for, and his words make me want to preach the scandalous cross of Christ with greater passion."
- Bill Kynes, Pastor, Cornerstone Evangelical Free Church, Annandale, Virginia
"What happens when one of the world's preeminent theologians expounds on some of the Bible's prominent texts? This book."
- Mark Driscoll, Founding Pastor, Mars Hill Church, Seattle; President, the Resurgence; President, Acts 29 Church Planting Network
Lord's Prayer Controversy in NJ
The fight over the separation of Church and State comes to the Jersey Shore.
It's started with one woman's protest against public prayer.
Specifically a Christian prayer recited at every City Council meeting.
It's started with one woman's protest against public prayer.
Specifically a Christian prayer recited at every City Council meeting.
Overcoming the "Snookie Syndrome"
To all the ladies out there trying to figure out your worth, allow us, TheNexLev put you on to the TRUTH...Your worth is not found in the approval of men nor with the friends you have, nor with the car you drive, nor the job you have. Its not found in your looks so stop trying to live up to someone superficial definition of beauty and glamor. Your "self-worth" will never truly be revealed to you through your current lens. You can only understand your worth when I have truly found "The One."
To really find "The One" you gotta get over the "Snooki Syndrome" which tells you that your worth is found in the pursuit of being loved by others, the desire for everyone else to speak highly of you, as well as you playing the role that you're a strong Independent women who needs no one to care for her - yet at the same time your putting up a front, there is a yearning within you to be fulfilled in ways that a mans touch can't do. Its a cry for more. It's a desire to live life with purpose.
Who can find a virtuous women?
For her worth is far above rubies.
To my sisters out there, I will tell you there is a Man who can meet your every need. He is a man who has been looking for a real relationship with you. He understand your feeling, willing to meet your every need, He desires to hear your voice speak to Him, He exist to complete you, and He is waiting for you to call upon Him. This man knew you before you existed, He saw your past - He with you now - and knows your future. He is the lover of your soul...and His name is Jesus.
Despite what yo have heard or think of Him, Jesus will never turn you away. He loves you with an everlasting love even-though you look for every and any reason why He shouldn't, He still loves you. You cannot disqualify your love from Him. Don't try to understand it...He just loves you! Stop being like Snooki who is trying to find her identity in everything else, just look at Him and find your worth in His arms.
reDISCOVER: Knowing God
An Open Prayer for Nex Gen Christians
Dear God,
I pray this would be a generation which will fear you. A generation that would not be willing to compromise the truth of your word, but would stand up in the midst of a world which seeks to justify their humanistic worldview. Let them be the ones whose heart breaks for the disenfranchised, the outcast, the marginalized; let them be a Prophetic Voice which will speak hope to a dying world.
I Pray their influence will will surpass prior generations. Their agenda will be kingdom focused, their ministry will be holistic. Their lives will serve as a testimony that their God is the only true and living God.
I pray this generation will never forget the heritage of their forefathers. That they will learn from past leaders who have laid down their lives for the road this generation now walks on. Let them honor God and honor those who have given up their lives to give them the freedom they now live in. Let them be a people who will never again allow for the Least of These to be over looked. That they would not turn their face from the injustices of our society.
I believe this will be the generation which will bring forth a revival like no other...A revival of Love. Let Your love oh God be the demonstration of this generation. Let Your love bring them to their knees, let Your love move them to serve all peoples, let Your love burden them to see humanity as your children and not our enemies. Let Your love drive us to You.
Serving A Generation Called for Greatness
What if...
What if you had the power to bring change to your community, or city, or region, or nation, or the world...What would be your first steps in bring about that change?
The reality is that each of us have that power within us. This bigger question is really "What do we need to let go, or what do we need to move on to become the change this world is in need of? Become the change you see this world needs!
He's A "Runaway"
After seeing Kanye West 's performance at the 2010 VMA's I really gotta say, he is a perfect example of "having a form of godliness yet denying its power." Kanye West is the same artist who in 2004 released an anthem which both the secular mainstream and many Christians embarrassed as a mark that Christianities influence in culture was on the rise. For me, I was hesitant to embrace Kanye's spiel which spoke of how the power of God can and is willing to transform lives.
I'm not saying the message is not true, but we must understand that even the demons of this world recognize the power of God. This year, this same artist delivered one of the most shameful performances in VMA history. The saddest part about it was response which he received after it. The audience began to chant out his name Kanye, Kanye, Kanye as if he had done some great thing. The profanity displayed was a disgrace to real artist and musicians.
But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power.
Even more disturbing is the support Kanye gets from so many Christians, specifically young adults. In a day where "Turth" is being contested by tolerance, I want to encourage Christians to consider the cost of compromise. The support of such artist like Kanye will led to spiritual compromise. His message is profane, ungodly, and outright demonic. To young adults, I would ask that you begin supporting real artist who have a real message that can and will transform you life, build up your spirit and in your holy faith. Check out artist like Lacrea, TripLee, Richie Righteous, and the Cross Movement.
I pray that Kanye would understand that it is only through the Christ Jesus that salvation can come in. It is through the Revelation we get from the Son that will allow us to have a real relationship with the Father. This is what causes Christians to live our lives sold-out for the glory of God and not our own fleshly desires. Kanye, my prayers are with you, I pray your eyes will be open and your heart soften to the voice of God speaking to you. Kanye, stop running way and come and know your God has been seek for you and is desiring to be reunited with you again. Don't be a Runaway any long!
And from such people turn away! For of this sort are those who creep into households and make captives of gullible women loaded down with sins, led away by various lusts, always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.
Your request is being processed... Religion Study: Most Young Adults Shun Religious Denominations, But Believe In Afterlife
Is faith losing its grip on the young?
That would be one way to read a new report by the respected Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life, which found that more than one-quarter of Americans age 18 to 29 have no religious preference or affiliation, and fewer than one in five attend services regularly. That makes them easily the least religious generation among Americans alive today, perhaps the least religious ever.
To read entire article click on title post
Knowing God...
In a day and age when "spirituality" is on the rise, we must be willing to address Truth in the midst of a generation who is seeking for answers. From much of my experience, young adults specifically are open to the idea or thought that there is a God. However, the greatest challenge for them seems to be "the Church".
At this weeks Next Level gathering, I will address the reality that the pursuit of God must be done through the personal experience of Jesus. We cannot know God without Him being revealed to us through the likeness of His son. As many pursue to know God they do so through other forms of religions, spiritual practices, and expressions. The fact is simple, outside of Christ all other experiences are demonic and counterfeits to the true revelation of the Father.
Jesus said in John 14: 6-7
"I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really knew me, you would know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him."
Is iPod Jesus Bad for the Church?
The statistics will tell us that close to 2/3 of young adults in the Evangelical church will leave the church by the age of 23, many never to return again. For those that will return, they will do so by the age of 30; that's a seven year gap, a gap that is becoming extremely difficult to shorten. My issue is not how long young adults are away from church, but rather why do they leave in the first place. As I do often, I began asking this question to a number of friends who have left the church (this being the church at large) and what I found was very different then what I expected to hear.
To my surprise, many who have "left the church" have not completely disconnected from God. Many still claim to have a healthy prayer life, still read scriptures daily, and spend time listening to worship music on their iPods. They also claim to experience growth through the teachings they receive via podcast. Now, I'm not saying that all of this isn't true; however I am challenged with the idea that we, the children of God can operate healthily by simply depending on our impulse to connect with God. Understand that I'm not saying it is impossible but it's not the way we grow.
From a Biblical point of view, we all have been entrusted with living out our own walk with God for ourselves. I know that we are responsible for our faith journey and how we react to the prompting of God for us. I know that no one can get us into heaven; however we have all been given men and women that are anointed to be part of our faith journey. This is the issue I have with those who believe they can do it outside of the body. We have been given the honor of serving alongside each other, not in isolation. We have the privilege of connecting with our brothers and sisters for the sake of strengthening each other; yet if we are depending on simply living out our faith on our own, we will rarely have the opportunity to connect with others and serve the body.
From a Biblical point of view, we all have been entrusted with living out our own walk with God for ourselves. I know that we are responsible for our faith journey and how we react to the prompting of God for us. I know that no one can get us into heaven; however we have all been given men and women that are anointed to be part of our faith journey. This is the issue I have with those who believe they can do it outside of the body. We have been given the honor of serving alongside each other, not in isolation. We have the privilege of connecting with our brothers and sisters for the sake of strengthening each other; yet if we are depending on simply living out our faith on our own, we will rarely have the opportunity to connect with others and serve the body.
My belief is that we need the local church and its leaders to grow us, to empower, us, to train us and to release us in our calling. For those who think otherwise, for every man or women of God who made a difference in history there was always someone who had the anointing to pull their gifting out of them. Samuel had Eli who commanded him to give him the Word of the Lord (1 Samuel 3:11-18); Moses had Jethro (his Father-in-law who was a priest) who instructed him how to delegate the burden of leadership to others (Exodus 18:17-23); Jesus had John the Baptist who prepared the way for His public ministry (Isaiah 40:3, Malachi 3:1, Matthew 3:3); Paul had Barnabas who vouched for him before the apostles and mentored him for the work of ministry (Acts 9:27); and we, now have the Five-Fold Ministry Leaders (Ephesians 4:11-15).
I commend young adults for continuing their faith journey; however I would encourage them to seek God in His temple, among His people, as one body. The challenge with doing Christianity outside of the local church framework (whatever that might look like) is that we tend to become isolated and somewhat critical about the body. We see ourselves as outsiders from the body, when we were always meant to be right in the center of it. This “iPod Jesus” is good for ongoing edification, but if this is what someone is solely relying on for spiritual growth it will do more harm than good. The body needs young adults to engage in its ongoing mobility for the kingdom’s sake. There is innovation, creativity, leadership, strategy and power in you.
My prayer for young adults is that you would reconnect to the body. Don't throw the church out the window because you have had a bad experience. In fact, you should go harder and deeper after what God has called you to do. Bring change to what needs change. Do it in collaboration with local church leaders. Let your gifts and talents shine for the kingdom in ways that are yet to be seen.
by Ed Pacheco, Jr.
My Leadership JourneyAre You the "One" or Should We Look for Another?
"Are You the one, or should we look for another?"
These are the very words which came out of the mouth of John the Baptist. The man whom the prophets spoke of "There will be one crying out in the wilderness..." This is the same man who preached "...but One mightier then I is coming, whose sandal straps I am not worthy to loose. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and Fire." This John the Baptist was a man full of faith and power. He was one who preached a message of Holiness and Repentance in the wilderness and had masses of people go out to hear it. Salvation occurred in the wilderness and not in the temples.
Yet this same man, in a time of desperation questioned the very One he had been anointed to be a pathfinder for. Isn't it crazy, how we can be doing the "things of God" yet in our most stressful times question His supremacy and call over our lives. Isn't it in those times of change and challenge that we also act like John, questioning His plans for us. Isn't is funny how when all is well and "blessed" that we are willing to claim "we will die for the cause" yet once we are in prison we cry "are you the one..."
I'm finding that as I study the life and ministry of John the Baptist, he is becoming to me more of the typology of the bride of Christ then ever before.
Yet this same man, in a time of desperation questioned the very One he had been anointed to be a pathfinder for. Isn't it crazy, how we can be doing the "things of God" yet in our most stressful times question His supremacy and call over our lives. Isn't it in those times of change and challenge that we also act like John, questioning His plans for us. Isn't is funny how when all is well and "blessed" that we are willing to claim "we will die for the cause" yet once we are in prison we cry "are you the one..."
I'm finding that as I study the life and ministry of John the Baptist, he is becoming to me more of the typology of the bride of Christ then ever before.
He was called to preach a message in a place that was foreign to many
He prepared the coming of the Lord
He was persecuted for his message
He withdrew from his principle in a moment of pressure
He eventually died because of his regained passion for the call
He prepared the coming of the Lord
He was persecuted for his message
He withdrew from his principle in a moment of pressure
He eventually died because of his regained passion for the call
My prayer today is that we continue to pursue God and His will for our lives despite where we may be. As He responded to John I believe if we have eyes to see and ears to hear, we can hear the Lord say :
"...the blind see, the lame walk, the sick are healed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, the poor have the gospel preached to them. And blessed is he who is not offended because of Me."
"...the blind see, the lame walk, the sick are healed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, the poor have the gospel preached to them. And blessed is he who is not offended because of Me."
by Ed Pacheco, Jr.
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- Recommended Reading for Young Adults: Scandalous: ...
- Lord's Prayer Controversy in NJ
- Overcoming the "Snookie Syndrome"
- reDISCOVER: Knowing God
- An Open Prayer for Nex Gen Christians
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- He's A "Runaway"
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- Is iPod Jesus Bad for the Church?
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