Tuesday, November 30, 2010 | By: TheNexLev

Panel Discussion: A Case for Young Adults

This Saturday we will be hosting a panel featuring Andre Mullen, Elizabeth Fernandez, Rev. Louis Straker Jr., and Tracy Dowlat. Each panelist brings a very unique and diverse perspective of what God is doing in the midst of our culture and its effect on young adults.

The following topics will be discussed at this panel:

- The use of Media in the local Church
- The effect of Culture & Christianity
- Arts within the Church
- The future of "Evangelicalism" in the US
- The future of Young Adult ministry
- and much more!

Additionally, Pastor Ed will conclude this session with some final thoughts as well as time of Q&A for those in attendance.

GCC Toy Drive

This Saturday is our last session of 2010. We are asking that you bring a NEW TOY as a way to give back to children in need this holiday season.
Doors open at 7pm, refreshments will be served - parking and childcare will also be provided.